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Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Chinny Chin Chins

This last week Maria was looking through an arts and crafts book she received from her learning consultant. It had the instructions on how to do "Chin" people. So we did. In fact we laughed our heads off that morning, and took probably an impromptu hour or so out of our morning watching each other and then taking video footage. They say a picture is worth a thousand words- well I suppose the following videos are worth several thousand. We especially get a good laugh out of watching Jane! (for example- check out the Grandfather's Clock song)


  1. That. Was. Hilarious!!!! A very lovely rendition of the grandfather clock song!Nice tongue wagging. You took it to a whole new level of chin people!!! And, just so you know, I check your blog everyday, and the other sisters probably do too. We haven't forgotten about you.

  2. Hahahah! That's awesome. Can't wait to try it with Carmen and Evan.

  3. hilar. i think tracy needs to get her 'chin' on as well...

  4. Thanks for the laugh, Jord! Or is that the wrong way to say it?

  5. hehe! so funny! had a good laugh. liked the name choices of edna and bertha.
